On January 1st, 2023 the consortium consisting of 20 European organizations officially started the implementation of ExtremeXP – a new Horizon project, funded by the European Union. The shared goal of all 20 consortium partners is to create a next generation decision support system for extremely precise outcomes and decisions — ExtremeXP.
The ExtremeXP consortium has gathered for the two-day Kick-Off meeting which took place in Athens, home of the project’s coordinator – Athena Research and Innovation Center, on January 26 and 27, 2023. Project partners set the foundations for how the project will operate and established initial contact.
This twenty-partner consortium will work together to establish and integrate novel research results from the domains of data integration, machine learning, visual analytics, explainable AI, decentralised trust, knowledge engineering, and model-driven engineering into a common framework, with the aim to provide accurate, precise, fit-for-purpose, and trustworthy data-driven insights via evaluating different complex analytics variants, considering end users’ preferences and feedback in an automated way.