Exceptional Progress of WP6 : Analyzing and Validating Diverse Use Cases

The work package 6 “Use cases and validation” has been steadily making progress on the analysis and validation of the Use Cases since M1 of the ExtremeXP project. From M1 to M12, Task 6.1 lead by the i2Cat partner laid the foundations for the elicitation of the requirements and specifications for the development of the ExtremeXP framework, associated with each Use Case (UC). Five UCs will be utilized for the validation of the ExtremeXP framework, tackling five different application domains: i) crisis-management, ii) cybersecurity, iii) public safety, iv) transportation and v) manufacturing. 

Work in Task 6.1 has resulted in the Deliverable D6.1 “Use Cases Requirements”, which detailed comprehensive descriptions of each UC with respect to the goals they want to achieve (intent), the procedures, tools and datasets required and defined Key Performance Indicators (KPI). This deliverable laid the foundations for the identification of the functional requirements related to the demonstrator of each UC and the different research components of the ExtremeXP framework.

Task 6.2 “Implementation of the Use Case pilots”, lead by ICOM, started in M13 and up until now is involved with the mapping of UC-specific workflows and experiments into the ExtremeXP framework. This procedure involves the identification of ExtremeXP-specific experiments, which involve distinct intents, the definition of constraints and/or variability points, the identification of various analytical tasks involved in the experiment that tap into analytical activities from WP3 and WP4 and result in the execution of those experiments, thus linked to WP5. All UC leaders are actively involved in this Task together with Activeeon, a key partner that currently provides the execution framework for running the experiments.

Task 6.2 is also closely linked to Task 6.3 “Integration of the ExtremeXP Framework”, and also lead by ICOM, which involves the integration of all components of the ExtremeXP framework, as defined in Task 2.4 “Software and reference architecture for complex experiment-driven analytics” and detailed in Deliverable D2.1 “Initial architecture, languages and models for complex experiment-driven analytics”, into a single ExtremeXP prototype framework. Towards this end, each UC is working towards building on User Journeys that highlight the integration needs in a step-wise manner and the communication flow among the architectural components. Software and tools specification documents have already been drafted, highlighting the implementation of each ExtremXP framework component and how it communicates with the rest of components. 

The final Task of Work Package 6, Task 6.4 “Validation of the ExtremeXP framework in the use cases” will kick start in M28, leaded by ADS partner, and will conclude the validation and execution of UC-specific experiments within the ExtremeXP framework. 

The ExtremeXP project is co-funded by the European Union Horizon Program HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-01, under Grant Agreement No. 101093164
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