
Unleashing Innovation : ExtremeXP's Presentation at WAICF 2024

Watch an exclusive presentation of the ExtremeXP project at the WAICF 2024 event ! Iyad Alshabani took the floor during 5 min to explain in detail the ExtremeXP project…

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Deep Dive into ExtremeXP project : Scientific and Technical Insights

Watch this interview with Vasileios Theodorou and Ilias Gerostathopoulos as they delve into the scientific and technical aspects of the ExtremeXP project…

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Inside ExtremeXP : Exploring the CS Group use case

Watch this interview with Gwendoline Stephan, an engineer at CS Group, as she presents the use case on enhancing flash flood forecasting with AI…

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The ExtremeXP project is co-funded by the European Union Horizon Program HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-01, under Grant Agreement No. 101093164
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